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Posts tagged "Montessori"

Promoting Language at home: Part 2

To reiterate from PART 1: My top three tips for promoting literacy and language skills at home are… Talk and listen! Read together! Promote language as holistic! To expand briefly: Talking and listening is an incredibly powerful way of helping...


Promoting language at home: Part 1

My top three tips for promoting literacy and language skills at home are… Talk and listen! Read together! Promote language as holistic! To expand briefly: Talking and listening is an incredibly powerful way of helping your child to develop language...


Standing Nappy Changes: Why & How

Montessori Standing Nappy Changes: Why & How You may have heard that many Montessori environments promote a "standing" nappy change for toddlers, rather than placing the child in a lying position in a change table/mat. The "standing change" is a...


The joyful work of a Montessori Christmas!

To read the first entry in our Montessori Christmas Blog series please visit our post on 'Monte-Santa'.   Practical Life: a Montessori perspective on the productive, purposeful work of Christmas.    I have known many Montessori classrooms, and Montessori inspired parents, who...