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Posts tagged "Rights of the child"

Big and Little

  Imagine two people in a relationship. These two people absolutely, undeniably love each other. Imagine that one of those people is a little bigger, a little stronger than the other and takes on the role of provider. The other...


Notes from a Pikler Intensive!

Notes from Pikler Pre-Intensive & Intensive: The following is a collection of thoughts based on the information and inspiration provided at the Pikler Institute Intensive workshop (April 2015). For more information about the Pikler/Loczy Institute, or to find training opportunities,...


Standing Nappy Changes: Why & How

Montessori Standing Nappy Changes: Why & How You may have heard that many Montessori environments promote a "standing" nappy change for toddlers, rather than placing the child in a lying position in a change table/mat. The "standing change" is a...