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Colourful Umbrella Puzzle


Puzzles offer opportunities for problem-solving, persistence and patience. The striking hues on this Colourful Umbrella Puzzle offers the perfect point of interest to inspire a child to get hands-on!

As the child removes and reassembles the pieces, they're using observations of length, as well as recollection of patterns, to rebuild the puzzle.

As each piece is held, the chunky knob encourages the development of a three finger pincer grip. This prepares and strengthens the hand for the same position and movements that will be needed for writing! 

The presence of a palette of colours is not only attractive and engaging, but also provides an opportunity for children to learn the language of these colours and shades. An adult can help introduce the names of each colour and can highlight that some show examples of light and dark. 

The unique shape of the pieces, coupled with their bright and bold colours, may also inspire spontaneous creative explorations. A child can make other patterns or pictures using the pieces out of the frame.

The Colourful Umbrella Puzzle is the perfect addition to a prepared environment to provide a fun experience for the mind and the hands!

The puzzle measures approximately 26cm width ×18.5 length with a depth of 3cms

Qtoys products are made exclusively from plantation and/or recycled timber.