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Dustpan and Brush


A beautiful and effective child-sized dustbrush and metal dustpan that will empower your child to become more independent in solving their own problems and more responsible in caring for their environment. 

Brush is approx 21cm long and the dustpan is 23cm long with an edge 16cm wide that sits snugly to the floor. It is always important that the dustpan is of good quality with a proper edge to is so that people practicing the skill of sweeping into a pan don't get frustrated with the dust going under the dustpan. The dustpan and brush both feature a sturdy strap looped through a hole at the end of the handle so that they can easily be hung up for storage and display. 

'Care of the Environment' is such a unique feature of the Montessori approach. This subset of the Practical Life curriculum helps children to develop a sense of empathy and respect for the world around them while learning the techniques to demonstrate this respect through tangible expressions. Caring for the environment allows a child to gain a sense of independence, self-confidence, self-control and responsibility. Sweeping up spills is a skill that will be relied upon so many times in an individual's life and so it makes sense to introduce this as early as possible so that it feels like a natural part of the daily routine. This gives the child the best possible opportunity to successfully master the skill but also helps to instil a sense of normalcy to the task - if it is unexpectedly imposed later in life it might feel like an inconvenient chore but by being introduced early it simply feels natural! 

Working with dustpans and brushes - both indoors and out - also assists children with developing gross motor coordination and spatial reasoning. The movements required for effective sweeping take some practice and it is lovely to observe a child learning to coordinate the motions of the body - particularly the arms and hands - to work towards a single goal.

To learn more about how children can be involved in 'Practical Life' experiences at home please visit our blog post. 

Buying good quality and well thought-out, functional products set our little ones up for success. Buying non-functional "toy" versions of real items can cause frustration or embarrassment for children as they do not understand that the flaw is in the toy rather than their own actions. This is why our cleaning tools are 100% real, functional and effective. We also deliberately choose cleaning tools that look every bit as appealing and quality as those used by adults, rather than stocking those with design features that are clearly 'just for kids'. This is why our cleaning tools feature wood or metal rather than plastic, and why we opt for appealing block colours rather than those decorated with cartoon characters or similarly distracting designs. These choices allow children to feel mature and empowered by real tools, which means they are more likely to take pride in using them effectively to become more capable, independent and responsible contributors in their home or classroom community.