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Beaded Raindrop

$10.00 $17.95

Pitter patter raindrops...

It's raining, it's pouring...

Drip, drop, drip, drop, the rain is falling down...

If the abundance of children's songs about rain is anything to go by, there is no doubt that many children (and adults!) love the rain. Perhaps that's due to the soothing sounds of raindrops softly falling on the roof - and now your child can hold "raindrops" in their hands and create that sound themselves!

The Beaded Raindrop measures approximately 18cm in height and 5cm diameter at either end of the cylinder. Please note that the body of the Raindrop is slightly tapered, with a thinner middle, creating a curve that is both aesthetically pleasing and also convenient for grasping comfortably and securely. 

It is recommended for ages 12 months +, making it perfect for even the littlest learner!

Available in Blue or Red - please remember to choose your preference from the drop-down menu. 

The Beaded Raindrop is the perfect introduction - or accompaniment - to a more traditional 'rain stick'. The Rain Stick is traditionally made from cactus plants, with the plant dried out and the spines hammered into the hollow interior. Small objects, such as pebbles, are placed inside so that they make a 'rainfall' like sound as they skittle down past the spines. Children often love exploring Rain Sticks - and they make a wonderful 'Cultural' lesson when discussing the communities who make them - but many children become frustrated when they can't see inside the Rain Stick to find out what is making the noise. The translucency of the Beaded Raindrop shows exactly what is happening to make the 'raindrop' sound.

The Beaded Raindrop is by the world-renowned Hape brand. Hape use only natural materials that meet the highest level of safety standards and are made from renewable resources. Hape is also committed to social responsibility, operating several projects to promote environmental and economic sustainability for the landscapes and communities where their materials are sourced and manufactured. You can read more about Hape by clicking here.