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Small Felt Ball


Each Small Felt Ball measures approximately 3.5- 4cm. This makes it an ideal size for a young one to grasp - initially with two hands and then with one.

Seven colours are available - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo (dark inky blue) and violet (purple).

Each Small Felt Ball is sold separately so that you can mix and match the perfect array of colours and quantities that you need for the activities you have in mind!

The Small Felt Balls can be used for a range of sensory and fine motor experiences, from sorting by colour to transferring with tools.

Colour Sorting in our Four Compartment Tray.


Transferring exercises with tongs and other tools!


The Small Felt Balls are also ideal for adult-child interactions. The adult can use these small balls to introduce or reinforce new vocabulary, such as identifying the various colours, or they can be used to present new concepts, such as counting out various quantities.

For a larger version of the Small Felt Ball, which can be used for gross motor and movement based exercises, please view our Felt Ball listing. 

The manufacturer formally recommends this material for ages 3 plus. For legal reasons we can’t officially contradict this recommendation. I can, however, point out that I choose to use these in our Playgroup with toddlers. The balls are a perfect grasping size for an infant or toddler’s hands (and too big to represent a choking/swallowing hazard as a whole). We trust you to use your own judgement, expertise and supervision when deciding when to introduce this material to your child (or the children in your class). 

All Papoose products are made with natural fibres and non-toxic dyes. They are made in Nepal with fair labor.

Please note that these items are handmade, using old fashioned techniques not automated machinery. It is therefore inevitable that some inconsistencies will be present. Each felt ball or bowl may be slightly different from the next, in terms of exact size, shape or shade. These unique attributes are meant as part of the charm of the item but if you are looking for exact uniformity then you should consider a factory made alternative.